BAA Questions

Instead of mailing a hardcopy for submission, is it acceptable to the Government that we submit a softcopy of our classified phase 1 proposal only via JWICS email? If so, would the Government please provide secure email addresses?
Please mail a hardcopy submission in accordance with the directions provided in the BAA.
Can an academic apply in partnership with a DOD lab? The DOD lab would have to serve as primary with the academic as a sub, correct? Also is there a cap on funding amount?
Can an academic apply in partnership with a DOD lab? Yes The DOD lab would have to serve as primary with the academic as a sub, correct? Yes, assuming the academic doesn’t have their own lab Also is there a cap on funding amount? Yes
Hi Folks, We are interested in applying for the BAA but have two questions. Our UAV-based system could cover both R4750 Deployable Low SWaP Sensor specifically R000-CBRNE-FY24 Unspecified Requirement in the CBRN and, R000-PSR-FY24-MISR-TTL Mobile Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR), Tagging Tracking Locating (TTL), and Recovery First question: can we approach this with a single Quad Chart/Application to cover both Unspecified Requirements? Second: Is funding available for Unspecified Requirements? Our system may also be beneficial to other departments within IWTSD. Thanks
Q1: Can we approach this with a single Quad Chart/Application to cover both Unspecified Requirements? A1: A Quad Chart should be submitted for each individual R000 Q2: Is funding available for Unspecified Requirements? A1: No. Inherently, R000 have no funding available.
I understand we need to register on the SAM.GOV site first. There are two options - Register or just to have a Unique ID. For the first stage do we need to Register which is a long process or can we just get a unique ID ?
Not sure about the Unique ID. Strongly encourage all vendors who expect to ultimately get a contract award to ensure they are registered in and that all of their information is correct.
BAA Section states "Include any significant teaming partner (contact information) relevant to the evaluation." Would the Government define significant teaming partner for the purposes of providing contact information in the bottom right quadrant?
Please include every level of subcontractor/entity that would be responsible for performing any part of the work for which you are seeking.
1) "The sensors should possess the ability to wirelessly communicate between emplaced sensors via secure communications (non-Bluetooth) and the capacity for data integration into a military Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) through conformance with Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA)." i) What type of secure communication is desired? We appreciate guidance on this. 2) Could you please elaborate "wirelessly communicate between emplaced sensors" ? i) Does it mean communication among sensors placed in the field? if so, what is the purpose of communication between two sensors or among multiple sensors? ii) Does it mean communication between each sensor and a main hub/receiver? 3) "Vendors shall propose a quantity of sensors based on how many sensors are necessary to form the above described interconnected network (hereinafter referred to as “sensor package”) when the sensor package is deployed over the target area." i) What is the size of the area to be monitored by the "sensor package"? ii) how many gases should be monitored?
1) "The sensors should possess the ability to wirelessly communicate between emplaced sensors via secure communications (non-Bluetooth) and the capacity for data integration into a military Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) through conformance with Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA)." i) What type of secure communication is desired? We appreciate guidance on this. ANSWER: This is up the vendor to propose 2) Could you please elaborate "wirelessly communicate between emplaced sensors" ? ANSWER: This is up to the vendor. Either a network of sensors to communicate back to the hub/receiver or direct communication of the sensor to the hub/receiver. For the network it is up to the vendor to have coms between two or multiple sensors. i) Does it mean communication among sensors placed in the field? if so, what is the purpose of communication between two sensors or among multiple sensors? ii) Does it mean communication between each sensor and a main hub/receiver? 3) "Vendors shall propose a quantity of sensors based on how many sensors are necessary to form the above described interconnected network (hereinafter referred to as “sensor package”) when the sensor package is deployed over the target area." i) What is the size of the area to be monitored by the "sensor package"? ANSWER: Size of area is not specified ii) how many gases should be monitored? ANSWER: classes of chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals (TICs). There is no set number of gases
Could you please clarify the following? 1) What is the maximum operating bandwidth (i.e., OBW)? 2) How many transmit chains should be supported? 3) What is the maximum output power per transmit chain? 4) What is the output interface from the SDR? 5) Is the SDR expected to host the baseband and protocol stack functionalities? 6) Are there any metrics available for SWaPC? 7) What is the ingress protection (IP) rating? 8) Is there any Government furnished waveform, test equipment or acceptance test procedure expected?
See answers below: 1) What is the maximum operating bandwidth (i.e., OBW)? 200 MHz with a goal of 400 MHz. 2) How many transmit chains should be supported? One 3) What is the maximum output power per transmit chain? +30 dBm 4) What is the output interface from the SDR? 50 Ohm, coaxial 5) Is the SDR expected to host the baseband and protocol stack functionalities? Yes 6) Are there any metrics available for SWaPC? None specified; best effort. 7) What is the ingress protection (IP) rating? None specified; best effort. 8) Is there any Government-furnished waveform, test equipment, or acceptance test procedure expected? No GFE is provided but must support Arbitrary Waveform Generation.
Thank you for answering my earlier questions. We are not clear about the 50 Ohm, coaxial cable interface from the SDR. Do we expect a host processor to also have a coaxial cable interface to be connected with this SDR? How is this SDR expected to be controlled by the external processor/host? How is the waveform expected to be loaded into this SDR? Greatly appreciated if you could clarify this. What is the expected transmit and receive antenna gain? What is the maximum range expected from this SDR?
We misread the "output interface" question as "RF output interface." Q: What is the output interface from the SDR? A: Serial and/or Ethernet. Q: What is the expected transmit and receive antenna gain? A: Not specified. Antennas are not included with the SDR design, so none is specified. Q: What is the maximum range expected from this SDR? A: Not specified. The range is mission-specific and not specified (SDR output power should be the only thing needed).
Could you please clarify the period of performance? Can we assume a base period of 9 months and the option period of 9 months?
No, the period of performance is up to the proposing entity. As stated in the BAA, the project needs to be completed in 6-18 months and the POP is a factor used in the evaluation of the proposal.
1) Regarding flow rate, does IWTSD have a model viscosity or fluid for "Vomit" to simulate and verify 3 Lpm flow? 2) Is the required Suction Tube diameter internal or external? 3) Does the 3ft length of 0.5-0.75 inch diameter tubing need to fit it the 30x10x10 cm space? 4) at what distance is the 69dBA measured?
1.) 2.) The required suction tubing diameter measurement is standard diameter measurements. 3.) No 4.) Within a space of 6 feet to accommodate for providers and patients.
(1) Will there be Partner Force integration? (2) Are there any foreign language requirements for Instructors and/or Role Players? (3) Is the Contractor responsible for providing the location/facilities for the course? (4) Can the Government elaborate on what Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) it intends to provide to help develop a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost?
(1) No. This course will not involve Partner Forces. (2) No. This course will not require foreign language capabilities. (3) Yes. The contracted vendor will provide the training location and facilities. (4) The government may provide information from existing courses and curriculum relevant to this requirement.
Will there be Partner Force integration? Are there any foreign language requirements for Instructors and/or Role Players? Is the Contractor responsible for providing the location/facilities for the course? Can the Government elaborate on what Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) it intends to provide to help develop a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost?
(1) No. This course will not involve Partner Forces. (2) No. This course will not require foreign language capabilities. (3) Yes. The contracted vendor will provide the training location and facilities. (4) The government may provide information from existing courses and curriculum relevant to this requirement.
1. "Video Output" and "Export Video" are both specified. Is "Video Outputs" intended to be the format for the "Export Video" and "Export Video" is the devices video will be sent to from the GCS? 2. Standard Definition Video (NTSC/RS170) type export video is required. Are any high definition formats expected as well? 3. Requirements list 3x3 MIMO as a (T=O) requirement. Will radios that are 2x2 MIMO be considered if they meet all other expected performance requirements? This seems to be a fairly arbitrary requirement that may increase SWaPC without improving system functionality. 4. Is the desired laser designation capability required to be STANAG 3733 compliant? 5. Does the mentioned "laser-guided munition organic capability" mean that the platform would launch laser guided munitions from the platform or merely designate for laser guided munitions launched from another platform?
5 APRIL 2023 ASD SO/LIC IWTSD FY 24 UNCLASS BAA TOS R5001 Next Generation Offensive sUAS (NGOS) Requirement New Industry RFI – containing 5 Questions on BIDS TOS PM/COR Input to KO for KO Response in BIDS: Question 1 "Video Output" and "Export Video" are both specified. Is "Video Outputs" intended to be the format for the "Export Video" and "Export Video" is the devices video will be sent to from the GCS? Answer 1 Yes Question 2 Standard Definition Video (NTSC/RS170) type export video is required. Are any high definition formats expected as well? Answer 2 Standard Definition Video (NTSC/RS170) type export video is a Threshold requirement. Industry may include high definition formats in their offerings for Government Team Review. Question 3 Requirements list 3x3 MIMO as a (T=O) requirement. Will radios that are 2x2 MIMO be considered if they meet all other expected performance requirements? This seems to be a fairly arbitrary requirement that may increase SWaPC without improving system functionality. Answer 3 Pls submit your best industry solution to meet the requirement listed; the Government Team will review. Question 4 Is the desired laser designation capability required to be STANAG 3733 compliant? Answer 4 Yes. Question 5 Does the mentioned "laser-guided munition organic capability" mean that the platform would launch laser guided munitions from the platform or merely designate for laser guided munitions launched from another platform? Answer 5 NGOS laser-guided munition organic capability requirement is to designate laser guided munitions launched from other platforms. Thanx, V/R, TRX IWTSD TOS PM/COR
For the phase 1 quad chart submission, is the ROM and Schedule only to cover the base contract and its deliverables? R5001 has 5 options that may make it too tight to fit into the quad chart. Thanks, Adrian Dudok
5 APRIL 2023 ASD SO/LIC IWTSD FY 24 UNCLASS BAA TOS R5001 Next Generation Offensive sUAS (NGOS) Requirement New Industry RFI – containing 1 Question on BIDS TOS PM/COR Input to KO for KO Review & Response in BIDS: Question: For the phase 1 quad chart submission, is the ROM and Schedule only to cover the base contract and its deliverables? R5001 has 5 options that may make it too tight to fit into the quad chart. Answer: ASD SO/LIC IWTSD UNCLASS BAA TOS R5001 NGOS Requirement includes Base Contract & Option Periods. Industry Phase 1 Quad Chart Offerings should address the entire requirement as published, written and submitted in accordance with BAA instructions. Thanx, V/R, TRX IWTSD TOS PM/COR
Q1. Where can we find a copy of the DoD Cyber Vulnerability Assessment (CVA)? Is this assessment completed by the DoD or an independent contractor? Ref: R5001 Requirements 7. Q2. Confirming R5001 Requirements 9 is for manual flight and not a computer vision autonomous mode solution? Ref: R5001 Requirement 9. Q3. Is there a reason for water IP being 7 for the NGOS platform? This may not be possible with many other constraints. IP 54 is more of an achievable requirement. Ref: R5001 Requirements 12. Q4. Clarification on what "AI for enhanced manoeuvre and control" means? Ref: R5001 Requirements 13. Q5. Is the requirement for a separate C5ISR camera as a payload to the NGOS and a different to requirement 15 (integrated EO/IR)? Ref: R5001 Requirements 14. Q6. In relation to the NGOS integrated EO/IR optics, what context is the image processing requirements in? - Download videos after-the-fact at 1080p for analysis? - AI to process at 1080p? - GCS resolution be at 1080p? What is the whole resolution required? e.g. 1920 x 1080 Also, 50 degrees would offer limited peripheral vision if the camera is hard mounted. Would it be possible to elaborate of the ""Elec. Zoom"" - Is this a digital or optical zoom? Ref: R5001 Requirements 15a. " Q7. Are the video outputs listed in Requirements 15b. The only video outputs accepted, or just the minimum.? Ref: R5001 Requirements 15b. Q8. Should the IP rating of the NGOS radio align with the complete NGOS platform IP rating listed under Requirements 12? Ref: R5001 Requirements 16c. Q9. Any further details on what compatibility really means for existing C5ISR software and integrated into existing communication suites? E.g. specific communications protocol and standards etc. Ref: R5001 Requirements 17. Q10. Clarification required on the HOB sensor in relation to the NGOS platform? Is a HOB sensor a munition-based requirement? For example, if a 40mm HE round is fired from the NGOS will this requirement apply? Ref: R5001 Requirements 19b. Q11. Is there a standard the DoD require the SAD to be designed to? Ref: R5001 Requirements 19c. Q12. Just confirming this requirement is a physical release (dropping) of the lethal payload from the NGOS platform? It is not the rate of release of munition rounds from the lethal payload? Ref: R5001 Requirements 19f. Q13. What is the min. stand off ground distance and altitude to achieve the stated CEP requirement? Ref: 5001 Requirements 19g.
A1. A2. Manual Flight. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A3. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) for enhanced flight control and maneuver to reduce pilot operator cognitive load. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A5. Integrated EO/IR camera is an NGOS threshold requirement. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A6. Integrated EO/IR optics is an NGOS threshold requirement Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A7. Video outputs listed are a threshold requirement. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A8. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A9. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A10. Height of Burst (HOB) sensor requirement is related to certain lethal payloads that may be used by NGOS. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A11. NGOS includes a Safe and Arming Device requirement. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A12. NGOS requirement includes a weaponized payload that is releasable, platform is re-usable, payloads are reloadable. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review. A13. Along with CEP, visual and audio signature of NGOS will determine effectiveness - mission success. Industry may submit their best solutions to BAA Requirements for Government Team Review.
Q14. How many GCS units are required for each NGOS platforms for delivery? 1 GCS per 1 NGOS platform for all deliverables stated for R5001?
5 APRIL 2023 Good Wednesday Evening KO IBK, Jenn & Lewis: ASD SO/LIC IWTSD FY 24 UNCLASS BAA TOS R5001 Next Generation Offensive sUAS (NGOS) Requirement An additional new Industry RFI just in tonight– containing 1 Question on BIDS (This is a follow on to the last RFI (13 Questions) received - TOS PM/COR Input to KO for KO Review & Response in BIDS: Question 14: How many GCS units are required for each NGOS platforms for delivery? 1 GCS per 1 NGOS platform for all deliverables stated for R5001? Answer 14: 1 GCS per 1 NGOS platform for all deliverables stated for R5001 Thanx, V/R, TRX IWTSD TOS PM/COR
Requirement 1 states "NGOS must be vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capable, compact, lightweight, and portable in order to be transported by a maximum of two personnel during a foot movement." Would the Government clarify that man-portable by two personnel requirement does not include the lethality payload?
NGOS must be vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capable, compact, lightweight, and portable in order to be transported by a maximum of two personnel during a foot movement. This includes the lethality payload.
Parameter 2 states: "NGOS gross take-off weight should not exceed DoD Group 2 UAS (T=O)." Would the Government clarify if the NGOS take-off weight requirement is specific only to the UAV and not the lethality payload?"
NGOS Gross Take Off Weight shall not exceed DoD Group 2 UAS (T=O). NGOS Gross Take Off Weight includes platform and lethality payload.
Parameter 2 states: "NGOS gross take-off weight should not exceed DoD Group 2 UAS (T=O)." Will the Government clarify that the Group 2 take-off weight requirement only applies to the "40mm HEDP like effects" threshold requirement and not the 19.d "guided and loitering munitions capable" objective requirement?
NGOS gross take-off weight should not exceed DoD Group 2 UAS (T=O). NGOS gross take off weight includes the platform & lethality payload. Industry may submit their best solutions to achieve NGOS lethal effects requirement for Government Team Review.
Parameter 11 states: "NGOS shall utilize EO/IR optics (T); shall include an on-board miniature laser target designation payload capability shall include on board laser-guided targeting with laser-guided munition organic capability (O)." Parameter 19.d states: "Type: DoD approved 40mm High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) like effects; Guided and Loitering munitions capable (O)." Will the Government clarify if "on-board laser guided targeting" is meant to be a separate system for operator targeting use combined with 19.d: "40mm High Explosive HEDP like effects" threshold requirement?
NGOS Threshold (T) requirements are Required. NGOS Objective (O) requirements are Desired. NGOS shall utilize EO/IR optics (T). NGOS shall include an on-board miniature laser target designation payload capability shall include on board laser-guided targeting with laser-guided munition organic capability (O). Industry may submit their best solutions to meet NGOS requirements for Government Team Review.
Parameter 11 states: "NGOS shall utilize EO/IR optics (T); shall include an on-board miniature laser target designation payload capability shall include on board laser-guided targeting with laser-guided munition organic capability (O)." Parameter 19.d states: "Type: DoD approved 40mm High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) like effects; Guided and Loitering munitions capable (O)." Will the Government clarify if "laser-guided munition organic capability" is meant to be combined with 19.d: "Guided and Loitering munitions capable" objective requirement?
NGOS shall include an on-board miniature laser target designation payload capability shall include on board laser-guided targeting with laser-guided munition organic capability (O). Threshold (T) Requirements are Required. Objective (O) Requirements are Desired. NGOS on-board miniature laser target designation payload capability shall include on board laser-guided targeting objective requirement may be used to laser target designate NGOS internal organic precision guided munitions or external precision guided munitions. Industry may submit their best solutions to meet NGOS requirements for Government Team Review.
"Parameter 17 states: "NGOS software shall be... integrated into existing communication suites" Would the Government clarify the existing communication suites it is referencing? Or, if unable to clarify, detail how bidders can reflect the ability to meet this requirement?
NGOS software shall be developed to also be interoperable with existing communications suites used by DoD. Bidders are encouraged to partner with experienced Industry communication SMEs and submit their best Industry Team integrated solutions to meet NGOS requirements for Government Team Review.
Parameter 17 states: "It should also be compatible with… existing electronic countermeasures systems used by Naval Special Warfare (NSW) in maritime operating environments (T=O)." Would the Government clarify the existing electronic countermeasure systems it is referencing? Or, if unable to clarify, detail how bidders can reflect the ability to meet this requirement?
NGOS shall be developed to also be compatible with existing electronic countermeasures systems used by Naval Special Warfare (NSW) in maritime operating environments. Bidders are encouraged to partner with experienced Industry electronic countermeasure systems SMEs and submit their best Industry Team integrated solutions to meet NGOS requirements for Government Team Review.
Parameter 20 states: "NGOS shall be designed to be employed from a single operating system (T=O), with the additional capability (marsupial) to be carried by and launched from other platforms in motion (O)." Would the Government clarify what is meant by "the additional capability (marsupial) to be carried by and launched from other platforms in motion?”
NGOS shall be a man-portable (no more than two operators), stand alone organic capability carried, launched, flown and operated by Small Tactical Team Operators (T=O); this is REQUIRED. NGOS shall be also designed with the additional capability (marsupial) to also be carried by and launched from from other platforms in motion (not organic to Small Tactical Teams) (O); this is DESIRED. Industry may submit their best solutions to meet NGOS requirements for Government Team Review.
Does the Government anticipate contractors integrating lethal payloads on contractor site for Deliverables 3 and 4, or is the Government providing space to store and personnel to handle munitions? Will the munitions be provided GFE or should contractors expect to purchase munitions?
Contractors shall procure as necessary, develop, integrate, store, test, transport and deliver all NGOS components, including lethal payloads.
Deliverable 5 states: "Option 4: 9-month PoP – Develop and deliver 2 inert prototypes with SAASM/M-Code GPS integration." Will the Government clarify if the SAASM/M-Code systems will be provided as GFE for Deliverable 5?
The Contractor shall procure two (2) SAASM/M-Code systems, develop integrate and conduct live flight performance verification tests of two (2) inert NGOS prototypes with SAASM/M-Code systems to the Government.
Will the Government clarify KPPs for the Selective Availability Anti-spoofing Module (SAASM) system in Deliverable 5?
SAASM GPS or M-Code may be used for NGOS. Based on availability, the Government will clarify KPPs at a later date.
Deliverable 6 states: "Option 5: 6-month PoP – Deliver up to 50 SAASM/M-Code GPS and integrate with NGOS." Will the Government clarify if the SAASM/M-Code systems will be provided as GFE for Deliverable 5?
The Contractor shall provide & deliver up to 50 SAASM/M-Code GPS integrated with NGOS. No GFE will be provided.
Will the Government clarify KPPs for the M-Code anti-jamming system in Deliverable 6?
SAASM GPS or M-Code may be used for NGOS. Based on availability, the Government will clarify KPPs at a later date.